Optimal charging with PV surplus and the Sunny Home Manager 2.0: Spelsberg

1. Activering van de SMA SEMP-interface via Spelsberg Wallbox app

  • Onder 'Instellingen' in de app kunt u tijdens het installatieproces of achteraf uitgebreide instellingen oproepen.
  • Open 'Energiemanagementsysteem'.
  • Activeer de parameter ‘SMA SEMP interface’. Draag de instellingen over naar de Wallbox door op 'Overnemen' te klikken.
  • Het overdragen van de gegevens is nu voltooid.

2. De Spelsberg Wallbox toevoegen aan het Sunny Portal

Log in op de website van de Sunny Home Manager 2.0 en klik op 'Configuratie' – klik daarna op 'Apparaatoverzicht' en op 'Overzicht nieuwe apparaten'. Werk het overzicht bij door te klikken op 'Apparaten bijwerken'.


Het portaal toont nu alle slimme verbruikers in het netwerk die verbonden kunnen worden met de Sunny Home Manager 2.0. Klik op '+' voor het configureren van de Spelsberg Wallbox Smart Pro met de Sunny Home Manager 2.0. 

Volg de stap-voor-stap instructies. U kunt o.a. de prioriteit van de verbruiker in vijf niveaus van 'laag' tot 'zeer hoog' instellen en een gewenste verhouding tussen netstroom en PV-stroom vastleggen. Dit is statisch geconfigureerd, maar is aan te passen door de verschillende laadmodi te selecteren.

Na voltooiing van de configuratie verschijnt de Wallbox als deelnemer in het systeem van het Sunny Portal. 

Welke functies zijn beschikbaar met de Sunny Home Manager 2.0?

Na integratie in het systeem van de Sunny Home Manager 2.0 biedt de Spelsberg Wallbox Smart Pro als intelligente verbruiker diverse voordelen:

  • Instellen van de verschillende laadmodi waarbij de verhouding tussen PV- en netstroom wordt vastgelegd
  • Rekening houden met actuele weersverwachtingen - u kunt de actuele prognoses bekijken in het overzicht Status en prognose. 
  • Verbruikersbalans en regeling - Dit overzicht geeft u inzicht in het verbruik en de stroomopwekking van de installatie. U kunt zien hoeveel energie is opgewekt en op welke momenten de Wallbox hoeveel energie heeft gekregen.




SMA SEMP-interfaces

ActiverenVoor het in- en uitschakelen van de SEMP-interface en de koppeling met de Sunny Home Manager 2.0.

SMA laadmodus

Direct laden

De snellaadmodus zorgt ervoor dat met het maximale vermogen van 11kW wordt geladen, ongeacht of er zonne-energie wordt opgewekt en ongeacht de instellingen in het Sunny Portal. De enige beperking hiervoor is het maximale laadvermogen van de auto.
OverschotladenBij overschotladen laadt de auto overeenkomstig de instelling in het Sunny Portal primair of uitsluitend met het overschot zonne-energie. Hiervoor kan in het Sunny Portal de verhouding tussen netstroom en zonne-energie per verbruiker worden ingesteld.
Handmatige configuratieBij handmatige configuratie houdt de Sunny Home Manager 2.0 bij overschotladen bovendien rekening met de waarden van de Wallbox voor energievraag en vertrektijd.

SMA minimale stroomvraag

Invoer in kWhInvoer van de minimale energievraag die de Sunny Home Manager 2.0 moet reserveren voor het opladen van de elektrische auto.

SMA maximale stroomvraag

Invoer in kWh

Invoer van de maximale energievraag die de Sunny Home Manager 2.0 moet reserveren voor het opladen van de elektrische auto. Deze waarde komt doorgaans overeen met de capaciteit van de capaciteit van de voertuigaccu.

SMA geplande vertrektijdInvoer tijdstipInvoer van de vertrektijd waar de Sunny Home Manager 2.0 rekening mee moet houden wat betreft de minimale energievraag voor het laadproces. 


Optimal charging with PV surplus

Energy self-sufficiency with the Spelsberg Wallbox and the Sunny Home Manager 2.0

Warum ist das Thema wichtig?

Die Nutzung erneuerbarer und nachhaltiger Energien gewinnt in unserer modernen Welt immer mehr an Bedeutung. Photovoltaik (PV)-Anlagen spielen dabei eine zentrale Rolle bei der Erzeugung von grünem Strom aus der Kraft der Sonne. Doch wie kann dieser grüne Strom effizient genutzt werden? 

Hier setzt das Konzept des PV-Überschussladens an, das durch die Kombination der Spelsberg Wallbox mit dem Sunny Home Manager 2.0 von SMA ermöglicht wird. Die Kombination aus der intelligenten Spelsberg Wallbox Smart Pro und dem Sunny Home Manager 2.0 von SMA schafft eine effiziente Lösung, um den selbst erzeugten PV-Strom optimal zu nutzen. Der Sunny Home Manager 2.0 überwacht die Energieflüsse im Haushalt in Echtzeit und steuert die Ladung des Elektrofahrzeugs so, dass überschüssiger PV-Strom direkt in die Fahrzeugbatterie geleitet wird.

Diese Technologie hat mehrere Vorteile. Erstens maximiert sie die Eigenverbrauchsquote des erzeugten PV-Stroms und reduziert damit die Abhängigkeit vom Netzstrom. Zweitens trägt sie zur Entlastung des Stromnetzes bei, da die überschüssige Energie, die normalerweise ins Netz eingespeist würde, nun zum Laden des Elektrofahrzeugs verwendet wird. Drittens ermöglicht das PV-Überschussladen den Hausbesitzern eine umweltfreundliche Mobilität, da sie ihr Elektrofahrzeug mit grünem Strom aufladen können, ohne auf externe Stromquellen angewiesen zu sein.

Why is this topic important?

The use of renewable and sustainable energies is becoming increasingly important in the modern world. Photovoltaic (PV) systems play a central role in the generation of green electricity from the power of the sun. But how can this green electricity be used efficiently? 

This is where the PV surplus charging comes in, a concept made possible by combining the Spelsberg Wallbox with the Sunny Home Manager 2.0 from SMA. The combination of the intelligent Spelsberg Wallbox Smart Pro and the Sunny Home Manager 2.0 from SMA creates an efficient solution for making optimum use of self-generated PV electricity. The Sunny Home Manager 2.0 monitors the energy flows in the household in real time and controls the charging of the electric vehicle so that excess PV power is fed directly into the vehicle battery.

This technology has several advantages. Firstly, it maximises the self-consumption rate of the PV electricity generated and thus reduces dependence on mains power. Secondly, it helps to reduce the load on the power grid, as the surplus energy that would normally be fed into the grid is now used to charge the electric vehicle. Thirdly, PV surplus charging enables homeowners to enjoy environmentally friendly mobility, as they can charge their electric vehicle with green electricity without having to rely on external power sources.

How is the system set up?

Installation of the Spelsberg Wallbox is made much easier by the drilling template and mounting rail supplied. The wallbox is then securely hooked onto the rail and fixed to the wall with two screws. This saves time and ensures a professional installation.

Please note that the installation and protection of a wallbox in accordance with DIN 18015-1:2020 and DIN VDE 0100-722, among others, is of crucial importance for the safety of the electrical installation. In particular, the permissible current load capacity of the supply line according to the available power of the wallboxes and the requirements that each wallbox must be protected in a separate circuit with a residual current circuit breaker and miniature circuit breaker must be observed. The Spelsberg Wallbox has integrated DC residual current detection (>6 mA) as standard, so that an RCD type A in the sub-distribution board is sufficient in normative terms. If necessary, observe the installation regulations for surge protection devices in accordance with DIN VDE 0100-534 to protect the installation and the electric vehicle.


The Sunny Home Manager 2.0 is a grid feed-in meter and must be supplied with 230V voltage for operation. Please note that current transformers must be used for measurement at the building's entry point of more than 63 A. The Sunny Home Manager 2.0 continuously communicates the PV energy generated to an SMA inverter. At the same time, it measures how much energy is being drawn from the grid at the entry point and calculates the available energy for different charging modes. Further information on installation can be found in the Sunny Home Manager 2.0 manual. 

The Spelsberg Wallbox Smart Pro is integrated into the Sunny Home Manager 2.0 as an intelligent load and thus enables the use of extensive features.

How do I configure the Spelsberg Wallbox?

A prerequisite for communication between the Spelsberg Wallbox and the Sunny Home Manager 2.0 is integration into the same home network. The Spelsberg Wallbox can be integrated into the home network by cable via LAN or wirelessly via WLAN. There are various ways to do this. Detailed information can be found on our Service page Network integration.

The Sunny Home Manager 2.0 network connection uses a LAN cable. Any browser can then be used to access the Web UI via the IP address of the Sunny Home Manager 2.0 and log in with the existing access data. 

The LED on the Sunny Home Manager 2.0 indicates the connection status. 

To link the Spelsberg Wallbox Smart Pro with the Sunny Home Manager 2.0, the SEMP interfaces must be activated and the wallbox must then be saved to the Sunny Portal. 

1. Activating the SMA SEMP interface via the Spelsberg Wallbox app

  • You can access the advanced settings during the installation process or later in Settings.
  • Open "Energy management system".
  • Activate the "SMA SEMP interface" parameter. Transfer the settings to the wallbox by clicking "Apply".
  • The data has now been successfully transferred.

2. Adding the Spelsberg Wallbox in the Sunny Portal

Log in to the Sunny Home Manager 2.0 web interface and click the "Configuration" menu item - click "Device overview" and "New devices overview". Refresh the overview by clicking "Refresh devices".


The portal now shows you all intelligent loads in the network that can be connected to the Sunny Home Manager 2.0. Click "+" to configure the Spelsberg Wallbox Smart Pro with the Sunny Home Manager 2.0. 

Follow the step-by-step instructions. Among other things, you can set the priority of the load from "low" to "very high" in 5 increments and define a desired ratio between grid consumption and PV generation. This is configured statically, but can be adjusted by selecting the various charging modes.

Once the configuration is complete, the wallbox appears as a participant in the Sunny Portal system. 

What functions are available to me with the Sunny Home Manager 2.0?

Once integrated, the Spelsberg Wallbox Smart Pro offers various advantages as an intelligent load in the Sunny Home Manager 2.0 system:

  • Setting different charging modes with definition of the ratio between PV and mains power
  • Consideration of current weather forecasts - You can view the current forecasts in the Status and forecast overview. 
  • Consumption balance and control - This overview gives you a summary of the consumption and generation of the system. It is clear how much energy was generated and at what times the wallbox received energy and how much.

You can also make the following settings via the wallbox as well as the SMA Sunny Portal. These settings can be found in advanced settings, under Energy management system. To do this, navigate from the Status screen to "System". 

  • Click "Settings", scroll down and open "Advanced settings".
  • Display the "Expert settings".
  • Open "Energy management system" 
  • Overview of SMA parameter settings




SMA SEMP interfaces

ActivateFor switching the SEMP interface and the connection to the Sunny Home Manager 2.0 on or off.

SMA charging mode

Immediate charging

The fast charging mode ensures that charging takes place at the maximum power of 11 kW, regardless of the PV generation or the settings in the Sunny Portal. This is only limited by the maximum charging power of the vehicle.
Surplus chargingIn the case of surplus charging, the system charges primarily or exclusively with surplus solar power in accordance with the settings in the Sunny Portal. To do so, the ratio between grid and solar power per consumer can be set in the Sunny Portal.
Manual configurationDuring manual configuration, the Sunny Home Manager 2.0 also takes into account the wallbox values for energy demand and departure time during excess charging.

SMA minimum energy demand

Input in kWhEnter the minimum energy requirement to be taken into account by the Sunny Home Manager 2.0 for charging the electric vehicle.

SMA maximum energy demand

Input in kWh

Enter the maximum energy requirement to be taken into account by the Sunny Home Manager 2.0 for charging the electric vehicle. This value usually represents the capacity of the vehicle battery to be charged.

SMA planned departure timeInputting the timeEnter the departure time to be taken into account by the Sunny Home Manager 2.0 in connection with the minimum energy requirement for the charging process. 


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